Illegal Immigration USA (by Country of Birth)


Total border encounters by citizenship, FY 2020–FYTD 2024:

Jan 2020: out of 52,254

Jan 2021: out of 95,276 (% change from 2020)

Jan 2022: out of 186,808 (% change from 2021)

Jan 2023: out of 209,151 (% change from 2022)

% change from Jan 2020 to Jan 2023.

Source: US Customs and Border Protection

Legal Immigration USA (by Continent of Birth)


Annual Number of New Legal Permanent Residents by Continent of Birth, Fiscal Years 2019 to 2022


2020: (% change from 2019)

2021: (% change from 2020)

2022: (% change from 2021)

% change from 2019 to 2022

Source: Migration Policy Institute (MPI)

Illegal Immigration USA (Top 20 Countries)

Total border encounters by individual citizenship, FY 2020–FYTD 2024.

Country of Citizenship Total 2020 - 2024
Mexico 2.8M
Guatemala 895.2K
Honduras 867.7K
Venezuela 744K
Other 655.4K
Cuba 564.4K
Nicaragua 398.6K
Colombia 368.8K
Haiti 360.1K
Ecuador 303.5K
El Salvador 303.3K
India 242.8K
Ukraine 238.8K
Philippines 216.7K
Brazil 167.8K
Peru 155.8K
China 152.1K
Canada 149.5K
Russia 123.4K
Turkey 52.8K